My oldest granddaughter turned four recently. First, I can hardly believe how fast she is growing up. Second, since when does time fly by at this speed? Third, I’m thankful my work and home are geographically close to Emmie and her sister so I can be a part of their daily lives. A special thank you to my friend, Ginger, who has a relationship I admire and respect with her grandchildren. She advised me to be involved as much as possible with my grand babies because they grow up so fast. She said she doesn’t regret one minute of the time she and her husband spend with them. If you don’t make time for it, you can never get it back.
One of the ways I spend time with Emmie is sleepovers. Her scooter and bicycle with training wheels are stored at my apartment along with her stroller. We take adventure walks and rides on the rails to trails and explore much of what this thriving New England community has to offer.
As I cleaned up after a recent weekend sleep over, I found piles of tiny pink whirlybirds on almost every surface of the kitchen and living room. Emmie had been playing outside when she shouted, “Gigi, look what I found! It’s pink! What do you call it again?” I told her about maple tree whirlybirds helicoptering to the ground every spring. Her eyes shone with great joy and delight over finding pink ones instead of brown ones. She collected dozens of them and brought her treasures inside to decorate my little place.
My heart was filled with joy and happiness as I reflected on seeing the world through a little one’s eyes. The wonder of it all is brought back through her eyes as I pause and take the time to really soak in the planet I currently live on. Our Father made all of it and He took great delight creating the earth and then sharing it with human beings. He is a Good Father and He makes Good things. God looked over everything He had made; it was good, so very good! (Genesis 1:31)
Father God, thank You for the innocence of little ones. “No analysis. No intellectual debate. No personal agendas. Just pure faith. Pure trust. Awe.” (@NanJonesAuthor) When children are in a safe and healthy home, they are more able to enjoy the world around them in vivid color. Thank you for giving me a window into Your Heart through the eyes of a four year old girl. Help me not to miss a moment of this present time. In Jesus’ Name.
Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. And whoever welcomes a little child like this in My Name, welcomes Me. Matthew 18:2-5 NIV