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I Fix it

Lisa Smith

While driving my granddaughter, she sat in her carseat, talking non stop and looking around. It was a windy fall day and leaves were blowing everywhere. She said, “Gigi, Emmie climb tree.” “That sounds wonderful honey,” I replied. “You can climb a tree if you’d like.” Then she took it a step further and said, “Emmie climb tree and put leaf back on.” “You want to put the leaves back on the tree?” I asked. “Yeah” she responded.

I started explaining why that wasn’t possible and she got frustrated. Her little voice rose saying, “No, Gigi, I put leaf back on tree!” Again, I tried to explain that this wasn’t how God made the seasons, but she was having none of it.

Her comment made me reflect on how many times I’ve tried to “fix” things on my own. I see a problem, and instantly work on finding a way to fix it. This personality trait has served me well throughout the years, but I’m also learning that there are things in this life that I cannot fix. No matter how hard I try. No matter how much I pray. No matter how strong my faith.

And those things that I cannot fix are where the greatest lessons are learned. Learning to trust God even when things don’t make sense and are irreparably broken. To rest in His Presence; knowing He’s got every situation, circumstance, relationship or mistake in the Palm of His Hand.

Lord Jesus, You’ve got even this (fill in the blank). Because You are God; the Ultimate Fixer; we can rest and trust in Your grace, faithfulness, provision and love. Thank You that you work out all things together for good; for those who are called according to Your Purpose. (Romans 8:28) Amen.


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